Just an uncommon insignia to be shown and to inform you about:
In a 1934/1935 catalogue from Friedrich Linden the above shown metal insignia
(with a wingspan of about 8.0 cm) was shown with article-number 5149.
It is possible one could see a kid running around with it. It is not an
Is this list complete chaps?
Hersteller Präsidialkanzlei:
1 Deschler & Sohn, München
2 C.E. Juncker, Berlin
3 Wilhelm Deumer, Lüdenscheid
4 Steinhauer & Lück, Lüdenscheid
5 Hermann Wernstein, Jena-Lobstedt
6 Fritz Zimmermann, Stuttgart
7 Paul Meybauer, Berlin
8 Ferdinand Hoffstätter...
Source: http://www.hj-research.com/forum/f90/rzm-hersteller-list-1190/index2.html#post36054
M1/1 Kallenbach, Meyer & Franke ~ Luckenwalde
M1/2 Richard Conrad ~ Weimar
M1/3 Max Kremhelmer ~ München
M1/4 Karl Gutenkunst ~ Oranienburg ( License withdrawn on 10.01.1935)
M1/5 Walter Simon ~ Dresden...