
  1. H

    Hitler Youth membership badge M1/105 solid red enamel and an unmarked badge

    Hello, I'm a relatively new collector of Hitler Youth items and have currently only made a few purchases with my limited knowledge. Primarily I collect the diamond insignia pins and knife gems of the Hitler Youth. However, there are two that I have in my collection that concern me where...
  2. J

    How many makers of the diamond-shape Hitler Youth membership badge were there?

    List last updated: 14th of August 2024 This is the running list of HJ membership badge makers. As new confirmed makers come in they will be added to this thread. Note: to be included into this list the maker must be shown in a primary source and/or the badge must be fully discussed...
  3. H2OCO2

    List of RZM codes (RZM Herstellerliste)

    Source: http://www.hj-research.com/forum/f90/rzm-hersteller-list-1190/index2.html#post36054 M1/1 Kallenbach, Meyer & Franke ~ Luckenwalde M1/2 Richard Conrad ~ Weimar M1/3 Max Kremhelmer ~ München M1/4 Karl Gutenkunst ~ Oranienburg ( License withdrawn on 10.01.1935) M1/5 Walter Simon ~ Dresden...