
  1. M

    Reichsbefehl 39/43 K

    I’m looking for the ‘Anordnung der Reichsjugendführung 421/43’, published in the ‘Reichsbefehl 39/43 K’ from the 4th November 1943. According to my source, this order is about the Flemish membership status within the Hitler-Jugend. Thank you very much, Michaël
  2. Garry

    Deutsches Jungvolk Dienstbluse vs Führerbluse vs Dienstrock vs Angolia

    Someone contacted me to ask about the short blue jacket worn by DJ leaders and sent me a scan from vol 1 of Angolia's HJ book. Looking at the regulations there is a contradiction between what Angolia says and what the regulations say. Anyway, I thought I'd make a thread in order that we can...
  3. Garry

    Who wore the "RJF Gefolgschaft" sleeve triangles?

    These triangles were included in a list of cloth insignia in Verordnungsblatt RJF III/38 dated 24.10.1935 but I haven't yet come across a definitive listing of who was authorised to wear them. I've come up with a few things so far but would obviously welcome any additions. 1. This 1938...
  4. Garry

    DJ fanfare banner regulations and changes to Landjahr fanfare banners 1940

    Some of you may remember a previous discussion about whether the manufacture of DJ fanfare banners was controlled by the RZM. None of us had any concrete evidence for or against at the time. I've since found information on this in a Reichsbefehl RJF: effective from the 30th of July 1937...