
  1. M

    Home-made "Reichsdeutsche Jugend Ausland" sleeve triangle?

    This one is up for sale on another forum, its obvious that it is self made, do you think that such pieces existed or is this just crap? (I don't think of buying it, just asking)
  2. cemifor

    Portrait of Deutsches Jungvolk Jungstammführer with "Reichsdeutsche Jugend Ausland" sleeve triangle

    Reichsdeutsche Jugend Ausland Pics from current ebay auction . .
  3. J

    Reichsdeutsche Jugend Ausland (male) sleeve triangle - RZM label question

    Just sold at Marios site (Hiscol) for over €500.- My question pertains to the label.. why is the makers RZM number printed and not individually hand stamped ? Did the RZM print special RZM labels for individual manufactures ? Is this item genuine?
  4. D

    Reichsdeutsche Jugend Ausland (female) sleeve triangle

    Arrived this week ! Question: Where this triangle was carried (worn) ?? What is the country (district) ?? Thank's for your reply :hail: Happy new year for alls Jean-Marie
  5. H

    2 rare BDM triangles "Reichsdeutsche Jugend Ausland" and "Ost Mark Brandenburg"

    Today I received 2 new triangles, both with press studs. Sadly the "Reichsdeutsche Jugend Ausland" triangle is not in perfect condition but because of it's rarity I had to take it :w00t:
  6. M

    Volksdeutsche - Reichsdeutsche

    If the Volksdeutsche boys and girls who lived outside the Reich, would join the Hitlerjugend (Auslandsdeutsche Jugend), where they then full members of the Hitlerjugend? And where they mixed with the Reichsdeutsche boys and girls (the children of the Reichsdeutscher who worked outside the Reich)?
  7. M

    Reichsdeutsche Jugend Ausland triangles and other HJ items

    some more hj items to share with other collector's
  8. kevin s

    HJ Reichsdeutsche Jugend Ausland triangle (male version)

    This one showed up Thursday. :thumbup1: kevin