I came across this little achievement book and cloth achievement patch that belonged to a Volksdeutsche girl, Inge Hannenheim, from Hermannstadt in Romania. I thought I'd try to find out a little more about her because the book has the date 31.8.1943 which was one year before the tide turned...
Many years ago I had a copy of an NSDAP-AO book on the Americas.
One thing that has stuck in my mind is a series of pictures from the Adolf Hitler Schule in Habana, Kuba.
Does anyone have any infor mation or pictures about the Volksdeutsche community in Cuba and any HJ active there?
Hi mates,
today I've received a very rare paper group of a Deutsche Jugend girl from German minority in Rumania. The girl was member of the Deutsche Volksgruppe and immigrated later in 1944 to the Reich! I also have the immigrant pass of the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle.
Very interesting, the...
The aim here is to compile lists of all known Reichsausbildungslager, Bannausbildungslager and Wehrertüchtigungslager (WEL - HJ pre-military training camps). This thread includes an ongoing list of WEL that existed in 1942 and others created after 1942, a complete list as at 29.5.1943 and a...
If the Volksdeutsche boys and girls who lived outside the Reich, would join the Hitlerjugend (Auslandsdeutsche Jugend), where they then full members of the Hitlerjugend? And where they mixed with the Reichsdeutsche boys and girls (the children of the Reichsdeutscher who worked outside the Reich)?