My new photo from a HJ-Boy


Jul 11, 2018
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Hello, I got this photo one week ago, but I have some Question about his uniform. There are no area triagles and no shoulderstraps. I think all uniforms of the HJ have area triagles and shouldrestraps? The Boy from the photo couldn't be also in DJ, because he have a HJ belt buckle.

What do you think?
Sorry, but my English is terrible!

Hallo Leute, ich habe neulich dieses schöne HJ Foto bekommen. Mich verwundert nur eins: Wieso hat der Junge keine Schulterklappen und/oder ein Gebietsdreieck an seiner Uniform? Gab es das auch ohne? Ich dachte ja erst, er wäre bem DJ aber das kann ja auch nicht sein, weil er eine HJ-Koppel trägt. Kann mir jemand von euch helfen?
Wenn es möglich ist bitte auf deutsch antworten :001_rolleyes::germany

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I know that the DJ did not get the rune patch and the shoulder strap until they had passed the entrance test (Pimpfenprobe) but was there such a thing for older boys in the HJ?

It could be more simple than that actually and maybe this boy just hasn't been out to buy the strap and the triangle yet