nice document for your convenience - HJ Verpflichtungsurkunde 1941

That's a really nice one Wim :thumb: Much nicer than the standard type that pops up every now and again. Thanks for showing it.
Yes, really nice enlistment certificate. Never seen one like that before. I think this one below is the common type

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I vow (promise) to serve the leader Adolf Hitler faithfully and selflessly.
I vow always to serve the unity and camaraderie of the German youth.
I vow to obediently obey the Reichsführer and all leaders of the Hitler Youth.
I vow that I will always try to be worthy of our sacred flag,
so help me God.
In the commitment ceremony on March 30, 1941
Heinz Ahner made this vow.
Post #1
Certificate that he has sworn allegiance to Führer, Deutsche Jugend, Reichsjugendführer and Flag.

Post #3
Certificate that he is now recorded as a member of Hitler-Jugend.
Yes, really nice enlistment certificate. Never seen one like that before. I think this one below is the common type

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Here's a nice newspaper photo from the 20th April 1939 showing Pimpfe holding their certificates after induction into Jungbann 230:

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