
  1. Heran

    DJH Ausweis and pictures

    Hi Guys, I would like to show you my DJH Ausweis, the ID for the Youth Hostel. This was a gift of our great kamerad SAS. The first Free thing given in the forum. It has so much history behind, so many hours of travelling, north, middle, west... Unfortunatelly the original picture is gone, but...
  2. Gefolgschaft

    Early DJ Ausweis from Jungbann 201

    Here's a DJ Auswies, Jungbann 201 Berlin Moabit.
  3. zander

    HJ Tradition triangle document

    Authorisation to wear the tradition triangle and Ausweis courtersy of Garry,Triangle courtersy of TobyR just put together with a bit of window dressing,,,,