
  1. Paul Ayerst

    More Hitler Youth tinnies

    Aschaffenburg Haus der Hitler-Jugend 13.10.35 Opferring für die deutschen Jugendherbergen DJH 1. Fest der Jugend Juni 1933 Werbewoche der HJ Göttingen 30.6 7.7 1935 FIVE MORE HJ TINNIES AND A PLASTIC WHW RUNNER :canada1
  2. cemifor

    Bought yesterday ...

    Bought these tinnies and brooch yesterday at a Danish militaria fair. 1. HJ 1938 2. DJH 1937 and two non-HJ 3. Reichsluftschutzbund RLB - Luftschutz tut Not Reichsluftschutzbund - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 4. Silver brooch from the Danish mail services (Post Danmark) ../henrik
  3. Garry

    HJ DJ DJH shoelaces

    Just saw this nice little item on a dealer site. HJ DJ shoelaces, 120cm in length. I would imagine that these were on sale at the DJH youth hostels. Not an RZM product though I would imagine. Has anyone come across these before?
  4. u869ss

    DJH Magazine

    DJH Jugend und Heimat Really nice front cover enjoy steve
  5. Walhall

    HJ DJH Collection tin

    Hi What is a good Price for this collecting tin? mfg Brian
  6. Heran

    Shopping Day

    Hi all, I arrived shortly from the Militaria Meeting in Reichertshofen, a city between Munich and Ingolstadt. I met, for the first member of here, for the first time in my years in this forum!! It was great to meet christianlohmann!! THANKS!! Bis naechstes mal!! Thanks for bringing me from and...
  7. Heran

    Djh 1937

    Hi Guys, Without any doubt, it is one of the most common Tinnies in the market at the moment. The price is quite good. As you can see there are 4 types from this Tinnie, being the golden one the most difficult to get. Collect100 is selling a golden one at this moment. By the way, he also...
  8. G

    DJH Stahleck

    Hello, This is my first tinnie of the HJ, hopefully not the last ... DJH Stahleck, Bacharach.
  9. B

    DJH bits

    Hi everyone, not posted much over the past month and finds are a bit slow so i thought id post a picture of some of the djh items i have under this section, im quite into the TR hostel items . Pete.:001_smile:
  10. Heran

    Deutsche Jugendherberge Tinnies

    Hi Guys, I think the DJH Tinnies deserve a thread for themselves. The DJH are the Deutsche Jugendherberge or youth Hostels, those key institutions for the education (and brain washing process) of the kids!! Today I received some Tinnies that I got for almost no money, I was lucky. These...
  11. H2OCO2

    any information on this DJH tinnie?

    i've found this one: anyone familiar with it? I can not find it in the doc. i have, so i tought i'd ask it here.
  12. cemifor

    Deutsches Jugendfest 1934 and DJH 1937 tinnies

    I found these two tinnies today at a Danish militaria fair. 1. Deutsches Jugendfest 1934 2. DJH 1937 ../henrik .
  13. Heran

    Hamburg 1934 - DJH - In Colour

    Hi Guys, I am just delighted to show you my new Tinnie. It is a (more or less) common one, but still, really nice and quite big too. Also it is my first "colour" tinnie. I got it in Tieste, and as you probably know, he is a very good dealer. So there you go, Hamburg 1934 with the Hein...
  14. Heran

    What is next?

    Hi Guys, I am just opening this thread to tal a bit abut future projects and also future pieces that you would like to have in your hands. In my case, well, tinnies, tinnies and tinnies. Try to get rare ones and have at least 2-4 new tinnies per month. For next month I got a Landau Tinnie and...
  15. C

    Album Stamps "DJH Für Jugendherbergen 20pf"?

    Here are 2 pretty cool stamps "DJH Für Jugendherbergen 20pf" with gum backs and postage like perforations. I wonder if there is a book these go in? Mike
  16. Paul Ayerst

    Jugendburg Stahleck 25 Jahre 1911-1936 DJH Rheinland

    MY newest tinnie a BONN maker
  17. C

    DJH 1937 donation tinnie

    I picked this up at a local show last week. I'm slowly building up my HJ tinnie collection. They seldom show up locally. Mike
  18. B-RAD

    Large lot of HJ tinnies

    Werbewoche der Hitlerjugend Bann 80 Wiesbaden HJ Gebiets Jugendtag Düsseldorf Schlageter 28.5.1933 Reichsberufswettkampf der deutschen Jugend 1934 Hitler-Jugend Unterbann VII Jugendtag 8-9 Juli 1933 Stuttgart DJH tinnie Gebietsaufmarsch Gebiet Westfalen Oberbann III Aufmarsch Düren 22 April 1934...
  19. B

    DJH Pfälzer Jugendtreffen Schwetzingen tinnie

    Heres another hostel tinnie i picked up the other day.......
  20. B

    DJH tinnie

    Found this one this week...........................