
  1. R

    HJ visor belonging to Bannführer Gerhard Hein

    Hi, would appreciate some comment on this HJ visor which I've had for about 15 years. The hat is named and some initial research indicates he joined the SS and was a recipient of the Knight's cross.
  2. cemifor

    Urkunde Reichsberufswettkampf

    Beteiligungs-Urkunde Thea Petersen Ost Bordelum hat diese Urkunde durch die Teilnahme am reichsberufswettkampf Gruppe Nährstand erworben berlin, im April 1938 Der Leiter des Reichsberufswettkampfes Axmann Obergebietsführer ... Translation: Participation-Certificate Thea Petersen Ost...
  3. Andy

    BDM Kletterweste

    Hallo Gestern von Privat bekommen. Leider sind keine Effekten daran aber dafür ist die Kletterjacke in einem Ausgezeichneten Zustand. es fehlt eigentlich nur ein Knopf. Keine Mottenlöcher oder sonstige Beschädigungen aber seht selber. Beim letzten Foto kann man noch erkennen wo die...
  4. Walhall

    Ausweis für Rumänienfahrt

    Hallo Hier ein neuer Ausweis.....der Ausweis ist für die Rumänienfahrt des HJ-Jungen Hermann Müller aus Rüsselsheim Bann 115.....habe einen solchen Ausweis nie vorher gesehen....hat jemand ein ähnliches Exemplar??? mfg Brian
  5. C

    HJ girls hat w/ RZM marked badge- help!

    I recently picked up this hat with a HJ girls grouping and was wondering if someone could help me identify it. The hat is brown and made of a soft cloth/fabric with a checkered interior. I am not sure if the hat is of issue as there are no RZM markings inside, however the pin is both RZM marked...
  6. C

    Hitler Youth Jungmädel Wimpel pennant J.M. BAD WILDUNGEN

    Jungmädel pennant - Bad WildungenHi everyone, I recently picked up an entire Hitler Youth Girls grouping including her uniform, hat, papers/documents and badges. The JM Bad Wildungen wimpel also came with it. I was wondering about the rarity of the flag and most importantly what unit it was...
  7. Garry

    BDM 'overseas' sidecap?

    I was googling for a better picture of the BDM winter hat for another thread and this turned up on the search. I've never seen one of these and for the life of me I can't find anything in my books etc. Does anyone have any more info?
  8. shane

    Is this a Deutsches Jungvolk DJ membership pin? Or a hat device?

    Was this a DJ membership pin, or just a pin for there hats?
  9. u869ss

    A Sad Storey from the KLV

    I had posted this thread in the old forum but thoughjt the new members would like to see This is Published item from the Armourer Entitled Ich hat einen Kameraden It recounts the sad tale of Albert Sachs, victim of an avalanche in 1942 The booklet was put together at the...
  10. Albrecht

    Help with prices

    I wanted to ask that they find the following prices: 1. Summer hat HJ = 200 € 2. Belt buckle belt and HJ = 150 € 3. Belt and buckle DJ = 150 € The condition of the items is good. If it is expensive, what price is right? ((Any fake??)
  11. B

    some HJ membership badges

    hj members pins including the one for the hat, and two students badges............
  12. glider907th

    BDM swimming cap

    Did any of you see or purchase this picture off of ebay - I forgot about it and did not bid? Look at the picture on the right and the girl on the left. Look at her hat - she has her HJ diamond attached to it. I do not believe this was regulation but there are so many uniform variances with the...