Hello everyone
I have in a little while searched on NSU and their uniforms. I have found some pictures, text and a little movie. But I have not been able to discover a NSU-uniform if there still exist.
However, are there some who know if the uniform still exist and where?
Best regards from...
NSU [Nationalsocialistisk Ungdom – National Socialist Youth] was initially formed in October 1932 after the parent party DNSAP [Dansk Nationalsocialistisk Arbejder Parti – Danish Nationalsocialist Workers Party] was reorganized. The party members who were under 18 years were separated from the...
Can somebody confirm that these are the propaganda leaders of following youth organisations in 1944?
Fons Bellefroid, Hitler-Jugend-Vlaanderen NSJV
Frits Barkhuis, Nationale Jeugdstorm
Ove Larsen, NSU (Nationalsocialistisk Ungdom)
Trond Rønning, NSUF (Nasjonal Samlings Ungdomsfylking)