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NSU [Nationalsocialistisk Ungdom – National Socialist Youth] was initially formed in October 1932 after the parent party DNSAP [Dansk Nationalsocialistisk Arbejder Parti – Danish Nationalsocialist Workers Party] was reorganized. The party members who were under 18 years were separated from the SA in an organization for themselves. The organization was called the Nationalsocialistisk Ungdom. Actually there was only one branch in Copenhagen and after only a month, they left DNSAP, with DNSAP’s Copenhagen leader Wilfred Petersen, who started his own Nazi party.
The former Copenhagen branch continued its activities in Wilfred Petersen's National Socialist Party [NSP] under the name of NSU, and there existed at this time two organizations with the same name – DNSAP’s only on paper.
1 September 1934 NSU was started up again by Carl Christian Blangsted Stender, who along with DNSAPs first leader Cay Lembcke was one of the pioneers in the Danish scouting movement. The first year they used name “Danske Drenge” [Danish boys] to avoid confusion with Wilfred Petersen’s NSU. In 1936 they changed the name back to the National Socialist Youth [NSU]. The first years the organization only had a few members and seen fron outside, NSU most of all reminds of a scouting movement.
NSU was from the beginning designed to school the National Socialist youth under 18 years to be good national socialist citizens. When NSU members was 18 years old, SA stood ready to take over the upbringing. The political education was still not nearly as pronounced as it became later.
Up through the 1930’es the organization developes itself. Like in SA, NSU became a parallel organization to DNSAP with its own uniforms and their own symbol, the Sunwheel. In the beginning they used , on a large scale, the methods of Scouting. But this changed, when an officer in the Royal Life, Guards Christian Frederik von Schalburg on 15 January 1939 was appointed to national youth leader [Landsungdomsfører] in NSU. With his entry into the organization, NSUgot its own organization plan and the organization changed its nature from a scouting movement to military preparation, with inclusion of NSU members in the Waffen SS, as an important purpose.
Like the Hitler Youth in Germany, DNSAP took the upbringing of the Nazi youth with great seriousness. Youth is the future. After Germany attacked the Soviet Union, presure on the the young people started to make them join the Waffen-SS in the fight against communism. Many NSU members followed the appeals and many joined the Waffen-SS.
C.F. von Schalburg is on paper, national youth leader up to his death on 2 June 1942 In two long periods of time as national youth leader, he was elsewhere and could not devote himself to the work of NSU. In both periods, an acting national youth leader was appointed in von Schalburg’s place. In the first period in 1940, von Schalburg was in Finland to participate on the Finnish side in the struggle against the Soviet Union. When he came home Denmark was occupied by Germany, and von Schalburg wasdepressed. In the second period, von Schalburg joined the Waffen-SS and fought against the Communists on the Eastern Front. Here he was killed in action on 2 June 1942 as commander of the Frikorps Danmark [Free Corps Denmark].
On 15 September 1943 the new leader of NSU Hans Jensen separated NSU from DNSAP. NSU now received its funding directly from the occupying power and the economy and the level of activity could be increased. NSU had in the early war years been plagued by infighting, but with Hans Jensen’s appointment to national youth leader after von Schalburg, these power struggles died silently..
On 15 March 1945, the war was coming to an end, and NSU again became a part of DNSAP. DNSAP had for a long time been dissolving, and NSU slowly dissolved thereafter.
The girls had their own organisation: NSUP – Nationalsocialistisk Ungdoms Piger [Nationalsocialist Youth’s Girls] – but that’s another story.
Translated from Nationalsocialistisk Ungdom
Source: Mikkel Kirkebæk, Mikkel: "Beredt for Danmark - Nationalsocialistisk Ungdom 1932 - 1945". [Prepared for Denmark – Nationalsocialist Youth 1932-1945], published 2004.
../henrik (I hope you understand my and Google's translation)
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