
  1. Herbert Norkus

    Photo of Jungvolk Pimpfe at a summer camp in Sachsen

    Gruß Herbert
  2. cemifor

    Drowning Accident in Kopenhagener Hitler-Jugend

    In 1937 the German school in Copenhagen - Sct. Petri Schule - established a summer camp in Holmstrup near Lumsaas, just at the edge of Sonnerup Skov[ Sonnerup Forrest]. The photo/PC showing the camp was probably taken in connection with the school's inauguration in 1937. Note that they fly...
  3. kevin s

    BDM cuff title Mitte Mittelelbe

    Here's one from the Summer Service Uniform
  4. Walhall

    HJ Sommermütze - Aufbauschule Saulgau

    Hello Here's one of my new additions .... Hj summer hat with label ..... ..... Looking forward to your opinions on the play ..... the small patch with the words .... Saulgau school building ... . I found this in the following www .... German boarding schools German boarding schools in...
  5. metho31

    Hitler Youth HJ summer cap - good or bad ???

    Hi. what is your opinion on this HJ summer cap?:yo:
  6. D

    Canteen. Is it Hitler Youth?

    Forgive me if i have placed this post in the wrong section or i am repeating a question that has its own thread... I have a canteen i picked up in Germany last summer. It is smaller than an Army canteen but built like one. It's wool cover is quite different and it features a Bakelite cap with...
  7. B

    Correct buttons for the Hitler Youth shirt?

    Hi Everyone. Can anyone let me know what the correct buttons are for the boys summer tunic. Or something similar...I have many questions to ask about the uniform but will ask them as and when I need to. Thanks to all
  8. E

    Hitler Youth Navy??

    Hi, was offered this uniform shirt by someone who has been very reliable in the past. I have some nice HJ items so he offered me this navy looking tunic. Came with a Heer white summer jacket. Is this a figment of someones imagination? Thx Cory
  9. J

    Colour of the socks worn by the Hitler Youth summer uniform

    Hi Guys Please can someone tell me what colour socks the HJ wore with their summer uniform Thanks Guys Nick
  10. Garry

    RJF Reichsjugendführung triangle

    This is a pic from the June 1939 issue of 'Das deutsche Mädel' showing Agnes Miegel after she had been presented with the Goldenes Ehrenzeichen der HJ by von Schirach in Braunschweig. I'm 99% sure that this is von Schirach in the picture which is interesting as I personally have never seen a...
  11. Z

    AHS summer cap and Marine-HJ cap Reichsseesportschule 3

    2 interesting headgear for sale on waf now. they won't last long i guess Admin edit: the links have been removed because they are no longer valid
  12. T

    BDM Sommerlager

    I noticed that very few photographs are existing of BDM and JM at summer camps (Sommerlager) where the females are in tented camps. I saw one here on the forum recently but they are rare? Why would this be?
  13. P

    HJ summer sidecap

    my first HJ item a mint summer sidecap allgemeine HJ
  14. B

    Kurmarklager, Gerhard Liebsch Lager - related items

    Hello, I am looking for any stuff regarding Kurmarklager am Greibensee or Gerhard Liebsch Lager am Greibensee. These summer camps were organizing from 1935 till 1940 and were the biggest HJ summer gatherings in HJ Gebiet 2. I'll be very thankful for any support. With regards Maciej
  15. Panther

    HJ summer overseas cap question

    Hi Guys I'm looking into an summer overseas cap at the moment and need some advice on the types of liners fitted to these caps. Were there different materials used as liners or was there just one type ? Best P
  16. Joe B

    NS Frauen-Warte magazine with BDM Leader cover .

    Would you believe that I purchased this Rare and desireable NS Frauen-Warte weekly magazine for only 5 Euro . It goes to show you that there are deals stillto be made out there . I scaned the issue with a cut out BDM white summer eagle to show the same type of eagle featured on the cover ...
  17. S

    My totally unsorted HJ collection

    Hi everyone, glad I am able now to post some pics. besides collecting WH equipment I have developed a strong interest in HJ and DJ but due to limited space, I just threw everything into boxes. We are moving in September, then I will have my own room for my collection. Honestly I do not...
  18. zander

    A few Marine-HJ pictures

    here are a few mixed MHJ pictures , summer uniform. work wear, signal practice
  19. lauri

    HJ war volunteer mannequin (Kriegsfreiwilliger der HJ) summer 1943

    Hello I tried to make an HJ bust with sidecap and short jacket of the fatigue suit. We can imagine that before her 18th birthday, this war volunteer HJ (Kriegsfreiwilliger) is in a training camp, in one of the 225 Wehrertüchtigungslager (WEL) to obtain the K-Schein (Kreigsausbildungsschein), the...
  20. cemifor

    Young SS soldier with HJ Leistungsabzeichen (Achievement badge)

    Here's a young Waffen SS soldier with a HJ Leistungsabzeichen (Achievement badge). Photo from summer 1943 in Innsbruch, Austria. ../henrik