
  1. H

    New set - 124 IV

    Hi mates, I've received a new set of shoulder straps. HJ Bann 124, Unterbann IV Regards, Sven.
  2. R

    Various Hitler Youth insignia

    hi some new items to the collection: Bannführer / Jungbannführer rank lanyard HJ Hauptscharführer / DJ Hauptjungzugführer rank lanyard Nachrichten-HJ Bann 673 DJ Bann 739 General HJ Bann 766 Flieger-HJ Bann 788 General HJ Bann 934 Pre-1938 Landjahr Scharführer Bann 164 Oberbann 3, Unterbann I...
  3. Gefolgschaft

    HJ Kameradschaftsführer shoulder strap Oberbann 5, Bann 102, Unterbann II

    It's been a while since I won an Ebay auction but finally today I got something nice. I haven't won an Ebay auction in some time now. Glad to have won this one.
  4. JME

    Scharführer Bann B35 Oberbann 3 Unterbann II HJ Shoulder Boards

    Bann 85 Flieger-HJ (possibly Oberbann 4) Scharführer Bann B35 Oberbann 3 Unterbann II HJ Shoulder boards Just showing you some of my HJ related Shoulder boards. Hope you like them. Any and all comments are welcome. JME
  5. u869ss

    HJ Bann 37 shoulder straps M1933

    Bann 37 Unterbann II Berlin west for Bann 37 Wilmersdorf from the Berlin District
  6. u869ss

    Unterbann Straps in today

    Bann 218 unterbann 1 Rudolstadt-Saalfeld Thuringen
  7. Paul Ayerst

    HJ shoulder strap for Bann 237 Moers, Unterbann III

    another addition bann 237 Moers, Unterbann III
  8. H

    My new set of shoulderboards - Bann 174 Saar-Ost, Unterbann 4

    Today I received a new set. Wonderful, unused condition!
  9. Panther

    Early HJ shoulder straps for Bann 118 Worms, Oberbann 3, Unterbann 1

    Hi Guys ! What do you think of this ? Views appreciated ! My Best P Bann 118 Worms, Oberbann 3, Unterbann 1
  10. u869ss

    Early Bavarian Hitler Youth shoulder strap

    1934 Bann B37 Munchen-Nord Unterbann II
  11. H

    HJ Bann B20, Unterbann III. My newest set came today

    Here are my new boards. Hope you like them!
  12. Heran

    Understanding Hitler Youth unit numbers

    Hi my friends, I would like to know more about a common part of the normal flags and pennats. As you know, many flags have a couple of numbers in one of its corners, for example: 81 / 171. Can anybody help me to know what does it mean? Bann? Unterbann? As example, please find attached a...
  13. cemifor

    DJ portrait - Süd Franken - Bann 333

    Received an interesting photoalbum from Tony Fermor today. Thanks Tony. I'll scan some of the photos later. Here's a prewiev: Portrait, with Süd Franken triangle [Letters seems quite "thin"], single Bann 333 shoulderboard [Weissenburg] and number 20 button [Unterbann IV = 4] Süd Franken Bann...
  14. Gefolgschaft

    Bann 57, Unterbann II

    Slow week for straps. Got this one in from Ebay USA. Bann 57, Unterbann II, Oberbann 3, Obergebiet West, HJ Gebiet 12 Westmark. 1934 pattern that looks unissued.
  15. u869ss

    A few more boards from my trip to france at weekend

    enjoy :thumbup: Bann B15 Unterbann IV Jungbann 109 war volunteer HJ Hilfsarzt
  16. B-RAD

    Large lot of HJ tinnies

    Werbewoche der Hitlerjugend Bann 80 Wiesbaden HJ Gebiets Jugendtag Düsseldorf Schlageter 28.5.1933 Reichsberufswettkampf der deutschen Jugend 1934 Hitler-Jugend Unterbann VII Jugendtag 8-9 Juli 1933 Stuttgart DJH tinnie Gebietsaufmarsch Gebiet Westfalen Oberbann III Aufmarsch Düren 22 April 1934...
  17. Gefolgschaft

    Early Pattern HJ Straps

    HJ Shoulder Staps, an introduction Shoulder straps worn by the Hitler Youth served three basic purposes. They indicated the rank of the wearer, they identified the geographic location of the unit, they indicated the assignment designation of the wearer, and they indicated the branch of the...
  18. Gefolgschaft

    Here's some HJ straps and boards to help get thing rolling.

    Here's some of my HJ straps and boards to help get things going. For detailed information check up on the blog from time to time, as I intend to really go in depth there, but don't hesitate to ask questions here!! :cool: Selection of early boards, pre 1938 types Admin Edit for search: HJ Bann...