This text is from the English summary in Ole Brandenborg Jensen’s
Landesgruppe Dänemark – NSDAPs udlandsorganisation i Danmark ca. 1932-1945.
[...] This garrison,
Standort Kopenhagen, was founded at the Sankt Petri School on the iniative of
Landesjugendführer Walter Jahn and with on of the school’s teachers, Hans Schultz, as
Standortführer. Althoug the Danish authorities and the German society in and around Sankt Petri School and Church have continued to dy the fact, Sankt Petri School remained the most important basis for recruitment of young people to Hitler Youth and to the NSDAP in Denmark. Thus 82 of a total of 93 identified members og
Standort Kopenhagen durin the years 1934-1945 as well as 17 og a total of 22 identified party members born in 1918-1927 and recruited and recruited in Copenhagen were (former) pupils from Sankt Petri. At the school Nazi standards dominated the atmosphere to such an extent that the large minority og Jewish pupils disappeared from the school long before October 1943 when the Germans launched the action agains the Danish Jews.
By 1937 five Hitler Youth garrisons had been founded outside Copenhagen, of which four in Southern Jutland where
Landesjugendführer Jahn resided. Evidence suggests that Jahn allowed a close collaboration between the Hitler Youth garrisons and the DJN [
Deutsche Jugendschaft Nordschleswig] groups long before the organizations in practice melted together in the latter part of the occupation period. Just like the permanent ban on
Volkdeutche’s admission til NSDAP, however, the Volksdeutsche children were allowed to join the Hitler Yout but had to content themselves with membership of DJN. After years of vain efforts to become an official part of the Hitler Youth the DJN leaders, on the contrary, were finally enrolled in the
HJ Führerkorps. This happened in February 1944 and was undoubtedly a bait intended to prepare the way for a wholehearted assistance to the
Waffen-SS recruitment campain in progress.
Evidence suggests that 30-50 percent of the
reichsdeutsche youth in Southern Jutland attended the Hitler Youth garrisons, e.g. in Aabenraa (
Apenrade) 45 percent of the
reichsdeutsche young men born 1920-1933. This rate is probably less than one might expect, but it was all enough to dominate the German schools because 100 percent of the teachers at these schools were members of the Nationalist Scocialist Teachers’ League, which remarkably allowed
Volksdeutsche teachers as equal members and thereby seems to have by-passed the official ban on
Volksdeutsche in the Party. Regarding the volksdeutsche youth hard evidence proves that Danish historians have tended to overestimate the rate of DJN membership. In fact no more than 60 percent of the pupils attending the German Schools in Southern Jutland in 1942 and 1944 were members of DJN, which naturally frustated the
As already indicated the NSDAP branch in Denmark first and foremost focused on indoctrination of the youth, until 1942 the
reichsdeutsche youth in the Hitler Youth garrisons in Copenhagen and Southern Jutland and from 1942 – when the SS took total responsibility over the etnic Germans in occupied Europe – the whole “Germanic” youth including
Volksdeutsche and etnic Danes. [...]