Fantasy DJ trumpet banner ?


Apr 6, 2020
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Good afternoon all,

I emailed Garry recently asking if i could update a sticky on DJ trumpet banners. I had time on my hands then , however I live in Spain and at this time of year friends and family all want to visit you at the same time lol. But when I can, I am scouring the net etc for period photos of DJ trumpet banner.

I came across this very strange looking DJ banner, there is so many things wrong with it, clips rather ties, gold fringe to bottom of banner rather than silver, black rune rather than white or silver, red and white background rather than the normal black.

The description given by the owner is early DJ trumpet banner. The banner has a coat of arms from Bocholt ( in the district of Wesel ) which is the symbol of an Beech tree. On the other side is a Sigrune, but is not the usual black on white but has a diagonal white /red, which is probably a combination of the red and white of the HJ and the DJ organisations. The beech tree symbol dates the banner to pre - 1933 , belonging to Bann 261 Bocholt-Haltern in Gebiet 9 Westfalen, which was renamed Weibes Fenn in 1934. The trumpet is damaged, but has a sigrune on it (see photo)

Have a look, and please give your opinions, the chances are it is a made up fantasy item ???

Best regards....Ewan

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Of course it can be a fantasy banner, but especially in the early 1930's many made their own banners and the silver or gold thread didn't matter. I don't want to call it a copy right away and the images are also very blurry. Maybe an early original too. Photos show a great many trumpet banners that were later banned.
I just looked at the banner from the point of view of heraldry and script. Conclusion: If it should be a forgery, a lot of knowledge was involved. The modern coat of arms of Bocholt looks somewhat modified, and the ligature of the ch in the place name has also been taken into account. In addition, the font type fits the period.
As far as these criteria are concerned, they support Steve's view.
I was hoping you guys would answer, Steve with your knowledge on banners/pennants etc and Jack with your knowledge of German history etc.
So the DJ banner is in with a chance ? even with so many odd things about it. You have got to luv it when something like this DJ banner appears and it could genuine ?

I do hope more people join in and express their opinions on this banner, I will try and get better and more clear photographs of the banner, and post them.
Has anyone seen a fanfare trumpet or have photos of a fanfare trumpet like this one with the sigrune on it ?

best regard...Ewn
Hi Ewan,

Another clue: Bocholt belonged to the province of Westphalia within the Kingdom of Prussia after 1815. Between 1882 and 1935, the colours of this province were...
red and white, i.e. the colours that can also be found on the banner (for the sake of correctness, it should also be mentioned that the other way round would fit better).
Hi Ewan,

Another clue: Bocholt belonged to the province of Westphalia within the Kingdom of Prussia after 1815. Between 1882 and 1935, the colours of this province were...
red and white, i.e. the colours that can also be found on the banner (for the sake of correctness, it should also be mentioned that the other way round would fit better).
Good morning Jack,

Thank you for finding out more history on this DJ banner. Has anyone seen or have photos of a trumpet banner with the same attachment studs ? compared to the normal ties.

Best regards...Ewan
Yes, definitely an odd one. Even in publications detailing youth clothing and equipment dating to 1933/4 the fanfare banner has the standard black/white design on at least one side. It could be a period oddity that somehow survived but I'm sceptical. Worth a punt though if it's cheap.
Hi Garry,

I like it, but too many things not right with it for me. As Jack says, it has a lot historically correct about it, except the red and white being the wrong way around. If I had some spare money I may have taken a chance on it, however at 900 euro with the damaged trumpet it is a no go for me. At the end of the day, I would have to sell it eventually and it would be a struggle to get anything near that price for it. But you never know a period photo may appear at sometime in the future. Until then I think this fanfare banner will be relegated to the fantasy/fake pages. Thanks to Jack/Steve and yourself who commented on the banner.

Best regards....Ewan
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