HJ Leader Kleve Portrait

Oct 17, 2022
Thanks Received
Hello all,
I’d like to share a portrait I just got. It shows a HJ leader (not sure on what rank) but unfortunately can’t make out his shoulder boards. Could anyone make an educated guess, is that possible?
Also to note, his eagle on his cap has black paint on the Swaztica, where and what is this type of eagle from as all the photos I own of such HJ leaders the eagle is never painted black?

Thank you all as always

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Looks like an Oberstammführer to me, four pips and a litze.
Additional guess: member of a Gebietsführung (G ... plus number), at least that's what it looks like above the pips.
Looks like an Oberstammführer to me, four pips and a litze.
Additional guess: member of a Gebietsführung (G ... plus number), at least that's what it looks like above the pips.
Yes, that is likely and in his case it would be G over 10. The rank of Oberstammführer in connection with Gebiet 10 staff seems to be quite a rare occurrence in the sources that I have here.

@Strumble69 : do you see the connection to Kleve on the reverse of the photo?
Yes, that is likely and in his case it would be G over 10. The rank of Oberstammführer in connection with Gebiet 10 staff seems to be quite a rare occurrence in the sources that I have here.

@Strumble69 : do you see the connection to Kleve on the reverse of the photo?
The connection of Kleve I see is from the makers mark stamp in the bottom left corner