List of the Flieger-Technische Vorschule (Aeronautical Preparatory Technical Schools)

The specialist on the subject is CEMIFOR but he is no longer very active recently.

Here's another interesting photo, and an enlargement, showing the wearing of the Gotha cuffband. Best regards.


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Very beautiful Photo POLLUX, Thank youHe wears an LW cap and an HJ belt, interesting mix.
(From the stoled collection P.Gillain)

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It could be a year 1939 ? As there is a RZM marking on the other side of it having a figure 38 / year also?/ Other guys from Wermacht forum spoke about HJ district number corresponding ...But they are not sure that those air plane schools were a part of the HJ organisation. That's a mess for me , sorry. I collect principally shovels and this set has to have a story to tell;) Thank you for your help and sharing.

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The schools were part of Luftwaffe and not a part of the HJ. But the boys were organised in HJ at each school, with af different Bann number for each school.
a CAP FOR A LEADER OF THE Fl. T. vorschule (collection Ph. Gillain ,Stolen Items World War II) If one of you sees it for sale on a site, please contact M.Ph Gillain

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I found this ones on the internet:
Fl.Techn.vorschule 4 , now we have the complet set on the forum (for this version but not for the other with" Technische Vorschule der LW" from 1942 )
T.V der LW Dessau 3

I was able to observe that KASSEL is the most common of all, this is certainly due to the importance of the school and the number of candidates

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And the matching straps for Kassel...

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My little BRAUNSCHWEIG set
I have the jacket from a boy from this school too, with the shoulder-boards 92

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Thank you Jack and CEMIFOR , I was extremely lucky to find the jacket last year and then the arm band and then the romboid a few months later!
Hier the last found.
Tech.Vorschule der LW 3 SUHL

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V.T- Schule Berlin-Spandau cuff-tittle

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FlTV Braunschweig and ALTEN (translate with GOGGLE from Vergessene Orte in Braunschweig | Willkommen! ) There is a lot of other information

From 1937 onwards, up to three dozen aviation technical preschools (FlTV) were set up in the Reich. These were subordinate to the Reich Aviation Ministry and affiliated with local companies in the air force armaments industry. The aim was to create a large number of aviation personnel who would be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Air Force's aircraft. The FlTV had the task of training 14- to 15-year-old young people to become technical aviation soldiers in the Air Force through comprehensive technical and pre-military training. Following the mandatory civil-military training, the FlTV students had to commit to 12 years of service with the air force. There, as non-commissioned officers in the technical service, they were supposed to carry out management tasks for the ground staff. Particularly talented people were offered the prospect of engineering training or an officer rank.In 1941, the technical preparatory schools of the Luftwaffe developed from the pilot technical preparatory schools and in 1944 the pilot training homes of the NSDAP Hitler Youth developed. The largest aviation technical preschool in the German Reich went into operation in 1938 on the southern edge of Dessau-Alten and had a training capacity of around 400 military students specializing in metal construction, engine construction and electrical engineering.The aviation technical preschools were considered elite educational institutions: a preliminary selection that took physical, mental and technical predisposition into account was carried out by the career advice centers of the employment offices. The candidates were then subjected to a medical and psychological assessment before a further military medical examination and assessment was carried out by a commission chaired by an Air Force officer.Training, accommodation, food and medical care were free of charge for the so-called “military students” of the FlTV. They received the uniform of the Flieger-HJ and military training, which, in addition to extensive sporting activities, also included target practice (and later anti-aircraft training). But “national political” lessons and ideological training were also given comprehensively. An annual gliding exercise should encourage courage, determination and a sense of responsibility. It took place at Heeseberg for the Braunschweig military students.
Ansonsten bestimmte die Fachausbildung den Tagesablauf. Diese erfolgte in den Lehrwerkstätten der Flugzeugwerke gemeinsam mit den regulären Lehrlingen. Die Ausbildungsdauer betrug vier Jahre (dies wurde im Krieg aber reduziert), davon zwei Jahre für die Arbeit in der Lehrwerkstatt und zwei Jahre für die betriebliche Ausbildung. Die Lehrberufe an den Flieger-Technischen Vorschulen waren Metallflugzeugbauer, Flugmotorenschlosser, Elektromechaniker (Flugzeugelektriker), Mechaniker (Waffenbauer) und Feinmechaniker. Neben der praktischen Ausbildung erhielten die Schüler bis zur Facharbeiterprüfung einen wöchentlichen achtstündigen Unterricht an den Werkberufsschulen.

Die Standorte der FlTV befanden sich meist an Orten mit Flugzeug- und Flugmotorenindustrie, in Braunschweig im Ortsteil Querum in der Nähe der Niemo. Hier stand am Waggumer Weg 26 ein zweigeschossiges kasernenartiges Gebäude (Bilder rechts), das über einen eingeschossigen Seitentrakt mit Speisesaal verfügte. Etwa 120-140 Militärschüler unter dem Heimleiter Artur Krause erhielten hier ihre Ausbildung als Flugmotorenschlosser. Die Lehrwerkstatt befand sich in etwa zwei Kilometer Entfernung auf dem Niemo-Gelände.
Am 21.Februar 1944 erhielt das Gebäude der FlTV während eines Luftangriffs zwei Volltreffer auf die Kopfenden und wurde dabei weitgehend zerstört. Nach dem Krieg wurden die Überreste abgerissen. Am ehemaligen Standort der FlTV Braunschweig befindet sich heute Wohnbebauung.​