some tinnies


Jan 5, 2011
Thanks Received
Hi all
I took some time to rummage through my boxes and selected this for those who love tinnies.
[ normally ! ] there are only those that we have not yet seen on the forum .

Sportkampf 1937 HJ-Gebiet Gau Kurmark
Werner Gerhardt Tag Zeitz 1934
Westmark HJ Saar Koblenz 16-17.6.1934
Reichsberufswettkampf 1934 1935

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Saar Jungvolk-Lager bei Serrig, Herbst 1934
HJ Sportfest Oberbann III 1934
HJ BDM JV Treffen, Bann B16 16-17 Sept 1933

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Lovely tinnies, Bertl59.
You also like them well preserved from what I see.
Thanks for showing them;)
Yes ERWIN but its more because i have not the place to exposed them all .

PS: thanks to the admin for the descriptions
Jungbann Aufmarsch Flensburg 28-29//1935
Bremerwörde Junbann treffen 15-16/9/1934 (not mine)

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I really love your tinnies Bertl. Always nice to view them - no matter if scarce or not .
Thank you Chlodwig .When I see all the comments you make, it seems that you are looking at all the posts on the forum right now!! And you have a lot of fun, too. You're right, there's so much to learn. (y)
Hello Bertl, I'm very impressed what some collectors know about the Hitler Youth. You and some other collectors have considerable knowledge and are willing to share it with all members of the forum - taht´s a lot of fun for me. I'm lucky enough to still know eyewitnesses who are now 96 years old and even they are impressed by what younger people know about the Hitler Youth. Many thanks to all of you.
Thank you for sharing Jean-Francois . Nice collection .
I think the one on the right at the top is not Hj but rather DLV .
Some others , some have already been presented on the forum

-Bann/Unterbann-sportfest Rastatt 21-22.6.1941 , RZM mark on the reverse
-Tag der Hunderttausend :Aufmarsch der HJ Gebiet 13 Hessen-Nassau 1-2.9.1934
:Aufmarsch der HJ Gebiet 13 Hessen-Nassau 23-23.8.1934 with color
-Südwestdeutsches Gebietstreffen der HJ KARLSRUHE 6-7.5.133 , with different material

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Attached are some information about the event:

Regional meeting of the Hitler Youth in Karlsruhe May 6-7, 1933
- The design of the badge came from the Karlsruhe artist Emil Burkard
- Each participant had to pay 50 Pfennig for the badge
- There were about 30,000 participants

I have a question, if the badges were paying why two versions? if that wasn't a reward
Jean Francois
Thank you Oiio, it is always a pleasure to learn from these little objects

I have it in writing that the participants had to pay 50 pfennigs. The amount viewers had to pay is unknown.

Why silver and bronze badges? Maybe it's like the Potsdam Badge. The silver ones for the participants and the bronze ones for the visitors.

Found today about the tinnie Werner Gerhardt Tag Zeitz 1934.(post 1)
He was on the official list of Hj dead, granted on April 7, 1934 to Jungbann 2/203. He was killed on June 30, 1932.
Hello Tinnies collectors
i found this one today (not mine )
HJ Sportfest Bann Griesk. 23.-25.6.1939

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So it can only be...
Bann 544 Grieskirchen, Südost/Oberdonau, Gebiet 29