Lipstick never hurts Wish i could do these, although i dont really have time... maybe one day by the "learning by doing" I worked on the face and a couple of other areas today.
Wim, just wait until they start seeing the You Tube videos. There will be a dart stand at the next SOS and MAX-ipad Show... you`ll be able to win a free award if you can "Hit Micro-Jo in the eyes" (it will be fake though) and if you hit him in the goonies, a free "NSDAP Par-tie-genoooosin" pin (fake as well no doubt) [Pronounce that like Wittman does] and if you get all three darts in his head, you walk away with the main prize - a microscope that has the lenses covered with cut-outs of images from a Christopher Ailsby book, so no matter what you look at through the microscope, you`ll always rest assured, and see your favorite fake described as genuine!@Jo: Not a chance Jo, but I guess some people on WAF play darts with your picture