Sportbuch des HJ-Führers (Führersportabzeichen)


Jan 5, 2011
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i would like to start a new thread about the Führersportabzeichen (Golden Leader sports badge) book
till now i only found one on the net but will add my one soon

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The pics aren't great but that would be the highest serial number with supporting paperwork. Check out the link in your post for another example of the Sportbuch des HJ-Führers. There is another here :thumb:

EDit: oops... I mistook the HJL number for the leader sport badge number. Disregard my first sentence above :)
I found an other one but the pics are too bad , so i only give the serial numbers (Bann 485 )
L-Abz silver 105774
Führer-Sport Abz. 7431 from 1941
one more : number 8965 from 1941

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Saw that one at the kpemig update today.
Nice set, but.. what's borders me is that the schießwart cufftitle seems to be a draketooth fake.

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Or... new evidence that it is real after all.

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Hello werner
you re right , for me too it s a fake . I think it was added to the set later .
I know there is a thread on this topic with a copy/original comparison but I couldn't find it. I have been looking since yesterday...
That "grouping" was already on sale in kpemig in the month of October 2021 when I visited that website. Now it is back as a new item.
In October of last year doing some research I found that this group had previously been sold in another store and subsequently removed the best it had, Führer-Sportabzeichen der HJ im Etui.

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another one, a magnificent set with several accompanying documents and the very rare card for the "Führer sport-Abzeichen"
I have never seen one so complete

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Thank you Garry for the listing in the project
sadly i can t read the name of the owner from post 1 (we need the help of a specialist !) and in post 3 i forgot to give the name and i have no more the source
Thank you Garry for the listing in the project
sadly i can t read the name of the owner from post 1 (we need the help of a specialist !) and in post 3 i forgot to give the name and i have no more the source

Here we go.
The name in number 1 is: Bernhard Bröer. This surname is recognisably Low German and goes back to a profession, namely (beer) brewer. But I'm digressing, sorry ;-).
It is noticeable that in this document rank and position (Dienstrang and Dienststellung) have been mixed up.
As Oberkameradschaftsführer, he held the position of Gefolgschaftsführer, and not vice versa.

He lived in the town of Büdelsdorf (where he was also born), at Löwenstraße 18.
Büdelsdorf is near Rendsburg, in Schleswig-Holstein.
Thanks Jack. I'll add that one in a mo. Can you read the name of the Bannführer 163 too? I don't have anyone in that post for 1941 yet. Same for Bann 86 in 1943 (post 12) if you don't mind :thumb:
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Oh Garry, I had expected this question - or should I say feared it :thumbup:?
The beginning of the leader signature of 163 is really difficult. One option for me was to ignore it and see it as some first name abbreviation. That would leave only Witte as a family name. And lo and behold - he really did exist. In a local chronicle, which is kindly available online, the following can be found:
Nach einem Rechenschaftsbericht des Landrats, in dem dieser u.a. die Zusammenlegungen von Gemeinden rechtfertigt, spricht Bannführer Witte über die Arbeit des HJ-Bannes 419 Bornhöved, der die Stadt Neumünster und das Segeberger Kreisgebiet umfasst.

Neumünster sounds perfect, since it is right next to Rendsburg and was probably also the seat of 163 for a while. Perhaps this Witte was also the leader of two bans in one person? I do not know.
There are also other HJ leaders in the annual chronicle; I'll have a look at it, maybe it will help us with other leaders of this region.. At first glance, the sources are local newspapers.

In # 12 I read the leader of the Bann as W. Heide, with the H having the largest squiggle I have ever seen :first:.
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You're good Jack :thumb: I have Johannes Witte as Bannführer (Obergefolgschaftsführer) of 419 in 1938 until Oct 1939. He clearly volunteered for active service at that point as I have another reference showing him as being in the Wehrmacht (but still shown as the Bannführer) in 1940. He took over a different Bann within Gebiet 6 in May 1944. As you say, it is possible that he was also Bannführer 163 and hopefully your source will either confirm or deny that. Yes, the Bann HQ was located in both Rendsburg and Neumünster at different times.

Looking forward to reading what you find out :thumb:
Here are the events of 1933-45 from the village of Schmalensee, Bann 185, then 419 (Witte then also appears there). A big thank you to them. I resisted the temptation to post the texts in German. Perhaps some of you will find them interesting to read. And hopefully you will find something new or useful, Garry. If there were such a chronicle for every bann...

Source: Segeberger Kreis- und Wochenblatt/später-later Segeberger Zeitung, Part One

A leaders' meeting of the Segeberg sub-branch of the Hitler Youth (HJ) is held in Todesfelde. The Unterbann Segeberg with the number 12 (1/185) and the Unterbann 11 Stormarn form the Bann Südholstein with the Bann number 185. The Bann in turn is subordinate to the Oberbann Kiel.


The Unterbann 1/185 Segeberg of the Hitler Youth has a new Unterbann leader, Johannes Wagner.


The previous Gefolgschaftsführer August Oekermann (Blunk) is appointed leader of the HJ-Unterbann I/185 Kreis Segeberg by the Bannführer of the Hitler Youth in Bann 185 Südholstein. "All orders and instructions of Oekermann are to be obeyed without fail." The area of Unterbann I/185 coincides with that of the political district of Segeberg.


The HJ leader of the Segeberg district, Unterbannführer Hans Praetorius, is appointed district youth worker in place of the previous state youth worker.


For reasons of age, the leader of the HJ-Unterbann 1/185 (Segeberg district), Praetorius, resigns from office. His successor is Jungbannführer Wobbe from Bad Oldesloe.


A leaders' training course for Unterbann I/185 of the Hitler Youth is held at the youth hostel in Bad Segeberg. Participants are all the leaders of the Unterbann's Gefolgschafts-, Schar-, Kameradschafts- and Rottenführer.

Unterbannführer Praetorius, leader of Unterbanne I and VII/185 of the Hitler Youth District of Segeberg, has been appointed to a new position. The leadership of the Unterbann I/185 (Segeberg-East) has been assigned to Gefolgschaftsführer Kühler fom Bad Seegeberg. Unterbann I/185 comprises four units:

1/185 - Bad Segeberg location/Standort; 2/185 - Geschendorf with Scharen in Geschendorf, Gladebrügge and Leezen; 3/185 - Klein Rönnau with Scharen in Wensin, Berlin-Schlamersdorf and Blunk; 4/185 - Bornhöved with Scharen in Bornhöved (Schar I), Rickling (II) and Fahrenkrug-Wahlstedt (III). The leader of the 4/185 Gefolgschaft is Scharführer Hein from Bornhöved.


In Bad Oldesloe the new leader of HJ-Bann 185 (Süd-Holstein), Unterbannführer Kurt Ramcke, is inducted into office by the leader of Gebiet 6 (Nordmark).


The HJ-Bann 419 "Bornhöved" is visited at the central locations of the bann by the new Bannführer Gefolgschaftsführer Cochoy.


The new Jungbannführer of the Hitler Youth, Erwin Barnick, visits the Fähnlein 7/185 Bornhöved. For this purpose the boys from Bornhöved, Tarbek, Schmalensee and Gönnebek line up in summer service dress at 3.30 p.m. under the leadership of Fähnleinführer Wolfgang Erich in the Bornhöved schoolyard. The boys from Damsdorf, Stocksee and Tensfeld line up at 5.45 pm in Damsdorf under the command of Walther Wehling (Tensfeld).


The Hitler Youth's Bannführer 419 "Bornhöved", Gefolgschaftsführer Robert Cochoy, responds to the call of the Landesbauernführer for harvest work and now calls on the parents of all Hitler Youth who are not employed in agriculture to release their sons for up to 14 days of harvest work.


A winter camp is organised in Bad Bramstedt for boys who were unable to attend an HJ camp last summer. The camp is aimed in particular at boys who work in agriculture or in the building trade. The invitation is extended by the provisional (kommissarisch!) leader of Bann 419 "Bornhöved", Gefolgschaftsführer Witte.


The HJ-Bann 419 Bornhöved takes over the HJ in Tungendorf and Brachenfeld from Bann 444. Both villages were incorporated into Neumünster in April and thus fell within the Bann area.


A meeting of the Segeberg district branch of the German Municipal Association (Deutscher Gemeindetag) is held in the Hotel Germania in Bad Segeberg.
After a report by the District Administrator, Bannführer Witte speaks about the work of HJ-Bann 419 Bornhöved which includes the town of Neumünster and the district of Segeberg.


A winter camp is held in Bad Bramstedt for boys who were unable to attend an HJ camp last summer. The inviting person is the provisional leader of Bann 419 "Bornhöved", Gefolgschaftsführer Witte.