There is an entry in a Gebietsbefehl (Pommern) from March 1944 setting out the distribution plan for the "new BDM uniform" of blue jacket, blue skirt and grey shirt which had recently become available in RZM outlets. It states that leaders and experienced girls should be given first dibs. Does...
Wim covered these in his book obviously and he mentioned that although strictly forbidden, the anchor was still in use in some places into the war years. I came across an order from 1941 which I thought might be interesting as it shows that these anchors weren't just being added locally to the...
I was never sure about exactly when the SRD straps were introduced but I came across some info about it. An instruction published on the 15th of December 1942 states that the new SRD straps would be available "shortly". Each Bann was to receive 200 pairs each directly from the RZM in...
I just saw this B replacement HJ honour badge by RZM 15 on a dealer site listed as a reproduction. They want 65 Euros for it but could it be real?
I see here that the number might be too high though (post number 5)? How many makers of the Hitler Youth Golden honour badge were there?
The diamond looks legit, aside from no movement and it follows the pattern of the backelite grip. Has “Buffalo brand, Solingen” on the ricaso. The one symbol on the dubious leather case looks to have been an RZM circle.
Anybody seen these before? Any insight to where it was made and around...
Another puzzler. I have looked in the usual reference books but found nothing. A lightweight white cap with sewn on HJ badge. To my eyes it is pretty poor quality, but does have an RZM label.
A search on the web fond these pictures. It is (nearly) identical to this one, but mine is...
I have a cap with a HJ badge on it which I am not sure about. The material is cotton. The HJ badge is pinned on and there is no RZM label or manufacturers mark. I am unsure what type of cap it is (It could even be civilian with the badge stuck on!)
What caught my eye was the badge on the...
This is the latest cap I cannot find anything about. It is the gold piping and chinstrap that has me puzzled. I can find descriptions in various books of uniforms about silver piping and chinstrap, but none of gold.
The cap itself appears to be of v.good quality with cushioning for the...
I have pulled this one out of the collection as being v. suspicious.
It has the feel of being a well made cap with sign of wear in the right places. However in my research of HJ uniforms I cannot find this colour cap mentioned. The RZM label is (ahem) stapled on.
I have seen a...
After an opinion about these. They are a selection of some of the ranking boards in a collection. I am really new at this game having inherited a collection so am slowly working my way through it (counted 75 singles/pair so far!). I am concerned if they are real because of the warning about...
This first item is from a friend's collection. Most of his items have good provenance, but this one is difficult. The inlay is pristine, but the blade is well-scuffed and the fittings are rather dark.
This second item is not directly HJ, and is post-War, but I'm told there are...
I have been looking to see what this badge is. It sort of looks like a HJ Honour badge, but in all that I have read in the extensive info and help provided on this site, it is not.
One of the obvious difference is that all HJ honour badges (real or fake) have a M1 marking on the rear...
Anyone any clues about this badge? Typical HJ badge mounted on red shield with a bat motif. Rear mount is a threaded pin. Stamped RZM Wolfschanze (?). Seems well made.
WOW...........This is either an ultra rare version (Which it isn't) or an outright fake (which it is)
Description of the proficiency badge.......The reverse is stamped with the individual serial number 558. It is also RZM stamped followed by M1/15, indicating production by Ferdinand Hoffstätter...
Still with original tags. Jacket size 42. All buttons are RZM marked.
Maby Hugo Boss? Don't know.
Bann 564 was located in Wehrertüchtigungslager
der Hitler-Jugend, Gebiet Oberdonau (29)
Kammer-Schörfling, Kreis Vöcklabruck
it was a famous hitlerjugend military school and train school.
After years of talking about these badges, multiple threads and comments from many members and hours upon hours of research, the truth is rather simple. This thread has been pinned for easy reference.
1. The first manufacturer responsible for making the new shaped Hitler Youth Membership...