An ongoing list of the fake HJ honour badges in gold marked M1/70.
If you see a fake M1/70 badge that is not on the list, please post it or the link.
So far, two different "versions" of this fake are known.
The more modern version with coffin pin attachment is numbered in the 5000`s, and the first, older fake is found with numbers between: 8310 - 9706
First Version Reproduction (Numbered):
Second Version Reproduction (Numbered):
Third Version Reproduction (No Numbers):
Documented Facts About The Maker M1/70 - Franz Otto:
*There are also no known small badges (of any kind) from the Third Reich period that have the number M1/70 at this time*
If you see a fake M1/70 badge that is not on the list, please post it or the link.
So far, two different "versions" of this fake are known.
The more modern version with coffin pin attachment is numbered in the 5000`s, and the first, older fake is found with numbers between: 8310 - 9706
List last updated:
31st of Dec 2024
31st of Dec 2024
First Version Reproduction (Numbered):
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- 5 found on: War Relics Forum
- 1 found on: GMIC Forum
- 2 found on: German Combat Awards Forum
- 17 found on: Wehrmacht Awards Forum
- 43 found on: Dealers|Auctions
- 1 found on Antiques Arms and Armor
- 1 found on: Militaria fund forum
- 1 found in: Collectors literature
- 1 found on militarycollectorshq
- 5 found on emedals
- 1 found on Militaria-Riesig
- 1 found on Weitze
- 1 found on ima-usa dot com
- 2 found on JP Militaria
- 88 verified/linked numbers to date...
- 5148 Auction site
- 8310
- 8535 (WRF)
- 8612
- 8624 (WAF)
- 8693 (WAF)
- 8696 1. (Charlie Snyder) 2. (Same badge)
- 8801 (Militaria fund forum)
- 8808 (JP Militaria)
- 8816 (Live Auctioneers)
- 8818 (emedals)
- 8923 (emedals)
- 8825 (Militaria321)
- 8828 (WAF)
- 8839 (WAF)
- 8955 (WAF)
- 8956 (stickpin version - replaced attachment)
- 8986 (WAF)
- 8966 (WAF)
- 8993 (emedals and Weitze)
- 8996 (found on militarycollectorshq)
- 8998 (Weitze)
- 9030 (Ulrich Of England)
- 9032 (CM Militaria &
- 9105 (WAF)
- 9115 (unknown)
- 9198 (Detlev Niemann - Orders & Decorations Germany 1871-1945 - P331)
- 9202 (
- 9203 (GCA)
- 9207 (Charlie Snyder)
- 9214 (WAF)
- 9223 (VIP Militaria)
- 9248 (eMedals)
- 9252 (
- 9253 (GMIC)
- 9258 (
- 9262 (Carsten Baldes)
- 9266 (Emedals)
- 9279
- 9291 (Jessen`s Relics)
- 9300 (Militärische Antiquitäten Emig)
- 9302 (
- 9321 (Militaria Relics)
- 9325 (Ratisbons Auctions - withdrawn)
- 9335 (Live auctioneers)
- 9340 (WAF)
- 9352
- 9358
- 9369 (
- 9380 (JP Militaria)
- 9389 (WRF)
- 9395 (Afilliated Auctions & Realty)
- 9398 (
- 9396 (Military Memorabilia Limited)
- 9403 (Echoes of Glory International Military Auction House)
- 9408 (Weitze)
- 9424 (Global Auction Guide)
- 9436 (Alexander Historical Auctions)
- 9438 (Mili321)
- 9443 (Antiques Arms and Armor)
- 9444 (Affiliated Auctions & Realty LLC)
- 9477 (War Booty)
- 9500 (WAF)
- 9513 (WAF)
- 9518 (Live Auctioneer)
- 9525 (Weitze)
- 9527 (Ulrich of England)
- 9536 (Helmut Weitze - withdrawn)
- 9540 (Unknown dealer)
- 9571 (WRF)
- 9581 (Militaria-Reisig)
- 9590 (GCA)
- 9601 (WAF)
- 9611 (Ron Weinand Militaria)
- 9623 (WAF)
- 9624 (WAF)
- 9636 (Meda Militaria)
- 9652 (WRF)
- 9660 (emedals)
- 9662
- 9667 (Jensen relics)
- 9669 (
- 9671 (WFR)
- 9677 (German Militaria
- 9678 (
- 9687 (WAF)
- 9704 (Time Traveler Militaria)
- 9706 (Oakleaf Militaria)
- 9809 (emedals)
Second Version Reproduction (Numbered):
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- 5079 (Militaria321)
Third Version Reproduction (No Numbers):
A brand new "version" reproduction bearing the makers number M1/70 has come onto the market in all different colors - with no numbers. It is being sold by Murphs Militaria, which make the following claim in their descriptions: "correct coffin end pin, RZM marked M1/70 GES. GESCH" That is total nonsense, as the "coffin style" attachment plate is a modern invention, and was never used on any period Third Reich badge. Although they are easy to spot modern fakes, in ten or so years there will be collectors arguing over these I am sure.
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Documented Facts About The Maker M1/70 - Franz Otto:
According the the RZM announcement papers, maker M1/70 - Franz Otto, lost his M1/ license on the 15th of October 1935.*There are also no known small badges (of any kind) from the Third Reich period that have the number M1/70 at this time*
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